Download SRTFilter 0.2e (308 KB)
HISTORY of the SRTFilter
0.2e Beta 7 31-08-2014
[+] Added option to show the credits to be removed.
0.2c Beta 6 01-21-2012
[+] Added option to rename Movies video files that don't match .srt filenames.
0.2b Beta 5 04/30/2011
Fix a problem of Wordwrap in "Tech Terms" and "Scene Groups" boxes. Now WordWrap is OFF
0.2a Beta 4 03-29-2011
Mayor Upgrade!
[+] Added module for rename srt (and video) filenames. All thru user´s defined Regular Expressions. Rename of Series also. Log of the changes made for SRTFilter to filenames.
[-] Fixed error in the "add Extraline" routine caused by regionalization.
0.1.1 Beta 3 03-10-2011
[-] Changed algorithm to handle the %1 parameter causing problems with the Explorer Extensions in some Windows XP. Now the program is compatible con 8.3 filenames passed as parameters.
[+] Added routine to detect binary (UNICODE?) files. Now the program skip this files and don´t transform them in empty subtitle as before.
0.1.1 Beta 2 01-27-2011
[-] Fixed bug in files with no empty line beetwen subtitles.
0.1 Beta 1 01-04-2011
- Original beta version.