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  1. Hi,

    I love SRT Filter but I have one problem with it. When I process srt file encoding in Utf8 with bom, the programm save them in utf8 without BOM. It's a problem because if you use those srt files in mkvmerge, you loose accentuated latin characters because they are converted, unless you add "--sub-charset" "0:UTF-8" in command line.

    It would be great if you can add an option to automatically save ansi & utf8 w/o bom files into utf8 w bom files during processing.


    1. SRTFilter dont save files in utf8 w/o bom.
      The program save the files in DOS Text (or ANSI).
      I try to search about your problem, but seems something too specific. I dont even ear about bom before you :)

  2. Is it possible to use it by command line?

    I have tried to use it, by passing the folder to process as argument, but it seems to be mandatory still to press the filter button...
    Ex: C:\Files>SRTFilter.exe C:\Files

    Will would be nice to have an options to process files automatically.

  3. Hi,

    Remove tags settings fails in this case:

    00:01:14,250 --> 00:01:15,885
    {\pos(197,195)}501 Ms. Knope Goes to Washington

    Could you please improve it?

    1. That it not a proper tag. Because that it fails to remove it
      Proper tag are like this:
      [tag] This is a valid tag [/tag]

      It has to have a first part: [tag]
      then a final part (equal to to first part with the / before): [/tag]

      Examples are:

      [b] Bold [/b]
      [i] Italic [/i]
      [color] Color [/color]

  4. muchísimas gracias Pablo excelente trabajo muy útil odio cuando ingresan leyendas extra en los subs y con este programas se eliminan muy fácilmente.
    un abrazo

  5. any way you could share your source code? i'd be really interested in the under the hood workings. Thanks!

  6. Solo decirte que el programa es bastante útil y lo uso desde que lo posteaste en subdivx! muchas gracias pablo

  7. Solo para decirte de nuevo, que a 2021 todavia sigo usando a diario tu excelente utilidad!

  8. Replies
    1. Sigo vivo a pesar del covid... :)

    2. Sigo usando tu magnífico programa casi a diario, me preguntaba si hay alguna manera de instalar las extensiones del explorador via cmd (útil para hacer una especie de silent install)

    3. Tenes que escribir en el registro (Tenes que ser administrador para eso). Lo que pasa es que tenes que saber donde estaria instalado el programa. Calculo que en un instalador tenes esa información. Tendrias que hacerlo al final.
      Para la opcion de SRTfilter en los archivos .srt tenes que escribir esto:

      @="C:\\Path\\Donde\\SrtFilter\\SRTFilter.exe \"%1\""

      Para la opcion de SRTFilter en carpetas escribí los siguiente:

      @="C:\\Path\\Donde\\SrtFilter\\SRTFilter.exe \"%1\""

      * Fijate las doble \\

    4. Can you renew downloading link?
