
How I do you install SRTFilter? Is it a portable application?
SRTFilter is not for install. Just copy the SRTFilter folder anywhere on your disk and execute it from there.
WARNING: Although the application is portable if you decide to activate the options of Windows Explorer Extensions from that moment it is not advisable to move the SRTFilter folder elsewhere. While the application will still work, the explorer extensions don't.

I check Explorer Extensions, and then moved SRTFilter folder to another location. How I make them work again?

Run the application (in Windows Vista/7 as Administrator), uncheck Shell Extensions and click OK. Return to Settings and check it again. From now on the extensions will work from the new location.

How I choose which files to process with SRTFilter?

There are two ways. The easiest way is to have checked Shell Extensions (Settings/Program). With the extensions enabled only need to right click on the .srt file/s.  and choose SRTFilter from menu. You can also do that on a folder in which case all files are processed, although the list is editable.
The other way to add files to process with SRTFilter is once open, you simply drag and drop the .srt files.

What formatting errors SRTFilter corrects?

SRTFilter fixes 2 major bugs in the format that can cause problems in the reproduction of subtitles.

.srt files properly formatted are as follows:

00:04:17,774 -> 00:04:19,430
Why choose
if you want to choose?

00:04:19,543 -> 00:04:20,631
I only pick two. Your turn.

Each subtitle have a number, then the starting and ending times, after that the sub itself and then a blank line separating it from the next subtitle.

A common mistake is missing the space between a subtitle of another, which makes it look like this:

00:04:17,774 -> 00:04:19,430
Why choose
if you want to choose?
00:04:19,543 -> 00:04:20,631
I only pick two. Your turn.

This makes some players displayed this subtitles as only one (41) of five lines in length.
SRTFilter corrects this problem.

Another common mistake is to have more than one blank line between one subtitle and the next one.

00:04:17,774 -> 00:04:19,430
Why choose
if you want to choose?

   <------------------------------- Extra space
00:04:19,543 -> 00:04:20,631
I only pick two. Your turn.

This error also brings some problems with some players.
SRTFilter corrects this problem too.

"SRTFilter fixes ...?

SRTFilter don't fixes timming's errors (times very short or very long or overlapping time), length of line or wrong file format.

How to get SRTFilter in {xxxxx} language?

SRTFilter comes configured with 2 languages. Spanish (my native language) and English (default). If you want to SRTFilter in another language will have to wait for someone to make the translation or do the translation yourself. It's simple.
Based on English.lng file located in the folder /lang can create your own translation. You should be careful not to add or delete any line. In order not to accidentally do latter must be careful to uncheck the option Wordwrap from your word processor.
Use the character & before the letter you want to act as keyboard accelerator. Example; in &Exit ... with Alt+E you choose that command.
Once translated you should save the file under the name of your language in the /lang and SRTFilter recognize it automatically at startup. Then in Options/Appearance may choose your language.

What is the use of Remove Credits option?

It is very common with the translation of the dialogues are included in the subtitle other legends (credits). If you want to remove them, you must be include them in the "credits" list in "Settings/Subtitle"
Note that the program search for exact matches so you must include the special wildcard character (*).
For example if you want to delete all references to any web site should be added to the list of credits:


because if you add only:


only remove a subtitle in a line containing only that (www) but not www.google.com or any other web site.
Be careful what you add, because I could be erased even if they belong to the dialogue of the video.
(Not a good idea to add *www* because it is highly likely that web sites are part of the parliament of the movie/series. Be more specific.)
This feature clears the caption that contains the specified word, not just the word.

What is the use of Remove Tags Option?

The tags are marks that are used to indicate some attribute of the text. For example to display text in italics must begin with <i> and end with </i>. The tag for italics is the most common but there are others.
The problem is most of the standalone Divx players do not recognize these tags and often neither filter they. So they as displayed on the screen <i> </ i> make more difficult to read subtitles.
If your player has this problem, tags can be removed cheking this option.

My player supports italics, I can let just this tag and delete all others?

Unfortunately not. To avoid compromising the program speed deleting tags is done globally.

What is the use of "Add Extra Line" Option?

This option is to solve a common problem in players with Mediatek chipset, which by a firmware bug does not show the last line of the subtitle. SRTFilter solves this problem by adding an extra line (which will not be displayed because the bug and also because its start time is an hour after the last title). This latter is a idea of jmaraujo from www.forodvp5100.com.ar forum for a similar program: mtkSubAddline by rzenner.
The subtitle line text is configurable, if left blank will be "added by SRTFilter."

If the text of Extra Line don't change, the behavior of the program is the next:

1) If "Add Extra Line" is checked
   - If the last line is a regular line, adds the Extra Line.
   - If the last line is the Extra Line, does nothing.

2) If "Add Extra Line" is not checked
   - If the last line is a regular line, does nothing.
   - If the last line is the Extra Line, deletes the Extra Line.

What is the use the option "Process Filenames"?

In addition to modifying the contents of the .srt files, SRTFilter can automatically modify the names of such files and those Video files associated with them.

How SRTfilter modify filenames?

Basically eliminating terms. These terms are grouped into 4 major groups plus one defined by the user. The groups are:

- Delete all text between (),[] and {}.
- Eliminate the year that usually accompanies the name of the movie or series (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, etc)
- Remove "Technical Terms" often refer to the characteristics of video. (Eg, DVDRip, AC3, HDTV, etc)
- Remove group names (Scene groups, P2P groups, etc.)

- The last group can be defined by the user.

To remove the first two groups (and the user-defined) SRTFilter uses Regular Expressions. The other 2 groups simply eliminates taking the terms of a list.

What are regular expressions and how I can modify?

Explain that regular expressions are going beyond this simple FAQ. There are entire books dedicated to learning how to use expressions Regular, but a good place to start is www.regularexpression.info
I only explain here briefly the Regular Expressions used by SRTFilter and hoy modify for our convenience.

The first Regular Expression used by the program is to eliminate everything that is between (), [] and {} and is:


So, you want the program to remove all text between [] and {} but not what is between (). Since this expression is divided into three "alternatives":

\ ([^)]* \) <--- Removes text inside ()
\ [[^]]*[]] <--- Delete the text inside []
\ {[^}]*[}] <--- Removes text inside {}

Just delete the part you do not want and leave the other 2. This is how:


The other regular expression used by the program to remove the year of the the file name, and looks like this:


This regular expression is built to remove any number between 1929 and 2029 range which is quite likely that be a year and no other numbers.
Say you want to extend that range because you intends to continue using SRTFilter even after the year 2029 :) You only have to modify the second rank of the regular expression as follows to take until the year 2059:


I change the Regular Expressions and now don't working properly. How do I return to the originals?

Next to the boxes where there are the two regular expressions used by the program there are a small button with the letter D (Default).
Pressing them the Regular Expressions return to their original defaults.

Why is User RegXP and how I use it?

If you are geek enough to build their own regular expressions, you can enable this option and put there your own Regular expression. If it is a Regular Expression to remove things just leave the box "Replace with" empty. Now if you want it is replaced by something else, you should read the documentation of this implementation of Regular Expressions in http://RegExpStudio.com particulary the function: ReplaceRegExpr

What are the lists in the tab "Terms to Delete?

These two lists are words that usually appear in the file names and we can eliminate if we want. The first list is the "technical terms" and refer to the characteristics of the video and your source. We include here all term we want delete the file name (such as advertising sites, etc.) because the list will be covered from beginning to end.
The second group consists of "groups of the Scene", they are the names of different groups ("scene" or p2p groups) with wich "sign" their rips/captures. As they appears only once of these in the filename, the program stop searching when finds one that matches.
For this reason is also very convenient to put the most popular names at the top of the list to make this process as short and quick as possible. As is common to place your signatures behind a dash (-) if the program does not find any names from the list match, but in the filename finds a word that begins with a hyphen, gives to the user the ability to add it to the list and delete it automatically.

What other options do I have to set the file name to my taste?

Besides the above you can set the hyphenation character, it is usual to be or a period (.) Or a space () but canto the one you want.
You can also set how the CD would named in case of a multi CD movie.

You can also configure the program to alert you when a file name is greater than N characters. This option was included because some players with Mediatek chipset do not recognize the subtitles as the file name is longer than 42 (or n) characters. This number NO takes account of 4 characters of the extension (. srt. avi, etc.) as in the previous case should put notify you if a file exceeds 38 characters. (38 + 4) = 42.

What is the use of the option "Rename Video Files?

The subtitle always has an associated file containing the video, this usually has the same name but different extension. Checking this option the program will also rename video files whose name is equal to .srt file and the extensions you define.
You may also activate the Partial Search option applies only to series as it is possible to identify the video file only for the construction sXXeXX (eg s01e01) always presents in the series. Enabling this option the program will only search this construction and if it matches the episode and season number the file would be renamed regardless of whether the other part of the filename matches or not.
Sometimes the video files of movies don't matches the name of the subtitle. To force a rename, check: "Forced - Movies Only"
The forced renamed only happen if:
                                  - Don't exist a video file matching the subtitle name.
                                  - Is a Movie subtitle.
                                  - The number of subtitles to process matches the number of video files present in that folder.

How to use the module Series of Rename Files?

The program includes a special module to rename series. Here you can choose if you include the name of the series or not, and can choose the style numbering of episodes from 4 options.

How does the program knows if the file is a Serie or not?

SRTFilter recognizes a Series file ONLY when presents the "construction" number of season and episode as follows:

s01e01 or

if the name of the file shows this construction will be treated as a series, considering the left part of that building as the name of the series in question.

How to use of the LOG tab?

Sometimes it helps to have a record of all names changes makes by the program to undo them later in case of error.
By ticking these options is possible to keep track of all changes made by SRTFilter both subtitle and video files in a file called SRTFilter.log located in the program folder.
In the case of video files you can also create a file that is stored in the same folder where is the video that detail the name changes made (The name of this file also is user-defined). This is useful when you later want to know what version of a video you have (to find another subtitle for example) and may have been lost by rename it.

SRTFilter supports Unicode or will do in the future?

Short answer: unfortunately not.
Long answer: SRTFilter makes heavy use of the excellent and extremely fast library for string manipulation: FastStrings developed by Peter Morris. The author has devoted to other projects and FastStrings project has been without development for years. His website in fact no longer exists. The library is made mostly of highly optimized assembler code, so their adaptation to Unicode is impossible, at least with my limited knowledge.
Unicode support imply the re-write of much of the code of SRTFilter and would affect his speed seriously.

When I set options by clicking the status bar they are not stored when I close the program. Why?

That type of settings options are included for an occasional use and quick access. If you want to be stored for future use, do it from the Settings window.

Can you add {xxxxx} functionality to the program?

SRTFilter is freeware and your development is done in my spare time.
If it is a functionality that can serve a large number of people, is not extremely complicated to implement, is kindly requested and is within my knowledge, can be implemented in future versions.